How Can One Get Their Criminal History Checked In India?

Safe and secure workplaces are the need of the hour and the process of criminal background verification is at the very core of providing us with the needed relief. If you’re waiting around for any company to revert regarding your recruitment, it’s highly likely that they are conducting employee background checks before they welcome you on board. The entire method usually takes less than a week’s time and is done in tandem with recruitment.

Background Verification refers to a thorough screening of the candidate’s past which, then, assists the employers in arriving at decisions with regards to the person’s employability. It could be something as basic as ringing up your previous employer, going over the academic data that you’ve provided and verifying your residential address.

Is There A Need For Criminal Background Verification?

Any job application that comes your way is something to be scrutinized carefully as there could be many concealed layers to it. Omitting something noteworthy or inaccurate presentation of facts and figures are commonplace these days when it comes to resumes. As per statistics, 78 percent of those seeking employment, are dishonest about their CVs and work experience.

Employees have access to a substantial amount of data Belonging to their employer or their clients. A leakage of this proprietary data could be devastating to the company’s reputation, not to mention the legal consequences that could shutter their business. Certain individuals have a track record of causing nuisance either through a verbal spat or by resorting to physical violence at the drop of a hat. They need to be filtered out at the very onset.

Procedure of Criminal Background Verification

The Human Resource Executives must conduct their screenings in compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s guidelines. A review of its current practices will assist HR professionals in choosing the most suitable candidates.

Among other things, consumer credit reports, motor vehicle records, social media inputs and personal references matter.

Suppose, a housewife is on the lookout for a maid and had managed to zero in on 2-3 prospective ones. She wants to get a criminal background verification done on the maids as she cannot afford to hire someone who’ll turn out to be a threat.

The ideal way to get it done is by sending their ID proofs (Aadhar, PAN or Voter’s ID) along with a letter to the District Superintendent of Police. He/She then goes over their court records and if there is nothing fishy, a report gets generated and sent back to the employer within 24 hours. For minor crimes like pilfering petty household items, a reference check with all those past employers does the work. A PCC or a Police Clearance Certificate is then issued which serves as the gateway for future jobs. It needs to be renewed after every 6 months. In a certain Middle Eastern country, the general manger of a private bank was summoned for non-compliance with its order over the release of salaries of some of the employees. The case went on for 3 years and caused massive financial losses to the bank. You can check your own criminal history prior to applying for a job as well through authentic and bankable criminal background verification companies.

Is Background Verification Legal In India?

Totally! The Indian Government has initiated a bold move by providing both the public as well as the private sector business establishments with national database of crimes and criminals for the purpose of contextual examination.

It is in fact a prerequisite for Indian firms who have an ISO 27001 certification to carry out background verification and employee checks. There are about 75,000 companies in India which provide fake employment and phony educational certificates and so, it’s not an arduous task to get such things done.

Criminal background verification has multiple facets to it- arrests, felonies, court records, warrants issued, sex offenses, incarceration records, convictions for theft or fraud, drug-related offences. Punitive actions range from termination of services to blacklisting such offenders.

How Is It Usually Done?

Identity proofs such as one’s Aadhar Card, Voter’s ID card, and passport can be verified online, reaching out to the past employer over call helps bolster one’s credibility; physical visits to the concerned addresses are also carried out. After the verification is through, a detailed report is sent to the employer who then takes a call regarding hiring. All in all, the court, police stations, the company and the client work collectively.

If the potential employee is someone who will be present amidst certain sections that need to be dealt with in a sensitive manner such as the elderly, the help, physically challenged individuals, ensuring that he/she has a clean track record becomes paramount so as to prevent mishaps.

Your business is like your baby and it needs a lot of devotion so as to reap rewards subsequently. You cannot afford to let your guard down when you’re building something on your own or otherwise. A harmful employee will sabotage not just business but also result in uncalled for monetary losses through the filing of lawsuits.

Now, there are quite a few indicators of sensing something dubious. Some of which are extended breaks in between remaining employed, embellishing their resumes excessively, convictions that are job-specific, refusing to get a background verification done while they fill up the company’s form.

How Can One Pass The Test of Criminal Background Verification with Flying Colors?

One can ensure that he/she has a pristine image at the firms he or she has worked at; refrain from fudging one’s educational qualifications; be completely transparent while being interviewed; make copies of all records to be on the safe side.

Social Media Image

How important is your social media image? There’s quite some fuss regarding whether it really matters or whether it’s unimportant. Employers who conduct social media screenings on their prospective employees have gone up in the past few years.

Global databases shed a lot of light on the behavioural pattern of people and the procedure may be tedious but is beneficial. The content that is posted on platforms like Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn gives us a glimpse of certain job-related insights that cannot be gleaned otherwise.

Certain information provided on the bio of people may be quite disturbing as they may reveal unhealthy thought patterns like bias towards people belonging to a specific religious background or towards a particular gender.

Simply put, a legal firm would think twice prior to hiring a candidate who openly brags about doing drugs or has a general disregard for adhering to regulations. A financial institution will remain wary of candidates who have committed some sort of a financial-related crime no matter how serious the nature.

The overall costs that any company may have to bear when it hires a fraudulent candidate could be massive as hiring just one among the entire bunch lowers productivity drastically. It has a butterfly effect on the colleagues in terms of an impacted morale, unhealthy atmosphere at work and resignations that may ensue.

The Solution Ahead

To eliminate fraudulent candidates, a thorough criminal background and employee check is required. At Millow, we believe authenticity is the only way forward. A quick background check and strict screening guidelines ensure that only worthy candidates get the nod. Millow aims to convert all workplaces into high-functioning havens so that everyone feels compelled to do their best without the need for external motivation. Millow is one of the trusted Indian background check companies offering criminal history check service. We use our proprietary technology and stringent processes to provide you BGV reports in the shortest amount of time. If you need to get your employees, vendors, business partners, loan applicants, or even yourself/profile verified do contact us on:
Contact: 011 41219183
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