Integrity Due Diligence

Validating the authenticity of a company and its founders is crucial to mitigate fraud risks and potential legal entanglements. The World Bank says “IDD refers to investigating the integrity risk posed by stakeholders in projects, deals and other joint enterprises”.

Trusted Due Diligence Experts: Securing Your Ventures Worldwide

Millow emerged as a leader in due diligence and background checks. Originating from the Oxford University Innovation Center (OUI), our diverse team of compliance, open-source intelligence, and software development specialists assist clients in navigating risks across investments, hiring, lending, matrimony, renting, and beyond, spanning global borders.

Foreign Banks

Millow delivers tailored integrity due diligence services, trusted by foreign banks worldwide to safeguard investments and reputation.

Big 4 consulting Firms

Millow's integrity due diligence services are trusted by global leaders, including Big 4 consulting firms, ensuring robust risk management and informed decision-making.

International Audit Firms

Millow's integrity due diligence services are chosen by top-tier clients worldwide, including international audit firms, ensuring thorough risk assessment and informed decision-making.

Manufacturing Companies

Millow's integrity due diligence services are trusted by diverse industries, including manufacturing companies, ensuring comprehensive risk management and informed business decisions.

Venture Capital Funds

Venture Capital Funds trust Millow's integrity due diligence services for comprehensive risk assessment and informed decision-making, enhancing their investment strategies.

Available Services

Pre-Investment Due Diligence (IDD)

Legal Due Diligence (LDD)

Financial Due Diligence (FDD)

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Third-party Due Diligence (VDD)

Background Checks (BGV)

NGO Due Diligence (NDD)

Market Intelligence (MI)

L1 checks

Database checks & Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

• Company Background Profile
• Company formation/incorporation
• Key Management Personnel
• Shareholderding Pattern
• Revenue Streams & area of focus
• List of competitors
• Description of product/service
• List of sister concerns & subsidiaries

• Shop & Establishment

• Professional History

• Bribery & corruption

• Improper business conduct

• Money Laundering & financial fraud

• Bankruptcy Check
• Loan Defaults
• SEBI check
• BSE check
• RBI check
• NSE check
• BIFR check
• IRDA check
• Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)
• Credit Check (TransUnion)

• CBI Check
• Interpol Check
• Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
• Office of Inspector General (OIG)
• General Services Administration (GSA)
• System for Award Management (SAM)

• Supreme Court & High Court
• District Court & Tribunals
• Consumer Forums

• Political Affiliation & linkages
• Political Donations
• Association with Govt. Authorities

•  Financial Ratios (5 years)

   i. EBITDA margin (%)
   ii. Net margin (%)
   iii. Return on Equity (%)
   iv. Debt/Equity
   v. Inventory/Sales (days)
   vi. Debtors/Sales (days)
   vii. Payables/Sales (days)

• Investment Details
• Director related parties & description
• Related Party transactions
• Outstanding Govt. dues
• Debt recovery, insolvency & bankruptcy
• Criminal checks & money laundering
• Competitor comparison

L2 checks

Database checks & Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

• Discreet physical investigation of company offices
• Discreet infrastructure evaluation
• Discreet integrity check from neighborhood
• Management leadership style & relationship with employees
• Management lifestyle check
• Management relationship with:
◦ Investor
◦ Vendors
◦ Suppliers
• Client feedback on product/services

Our Associations & Memberships

Millow offers comprehensive due diligence services, typically completed within 14 working days, aimed at providing proactive and transparent insights into potential risks and concerns across various critical areas.

Financial and Anti-Corruption Compliance: We assess the risk of financial irregularities and potential violations of anti-corruption regulations.
Reputational and Ethical Conduct: Our thorough examination identifies any questionable conduct by individuals and entities involved.
Geopolitical, Sanctions, and Legal Compliance: We ensure compliance with relevant sanctions and legal frameworks across different regions.
Taxpayer Verification and Due Diligence: We meticulously verify tax compliance and conduct in-depth background checks.
Audit Findings and Financial Health Monitoring: Our scrutiny of financial documents includes identifying indicators of creditworthiness.
Media Monitoring: We proactively track news, social media sentiment, and other factors affecting brand perception.
Financial Standing and Lifestyle Due Diligence: We assess financial stability and conduct lifestyle checks to mitigate potential risks.

Step into confidence with our discreet physical investigations of company premises and infrastructure. We delve deep into management dynamics, assessing leadership styles and employee relationships, all while ensuring minimal disruption. Our discreet integrity checks within the neighborhood provide valuable insights into the company’s standing. But that’s not all. We go beyond, scrutinizing management’s lifestyle and relationships with investors, vendors, and suppliers. And with client feedback on products and services, we paint a vivid picture of the company’s reputation and performance. Let us guide you towards informed decisions and secure investments.